Fully Editable: Create New

If you're looking for complete control over the appearance of your design, a Fully Editable document is an excellent option. Every element is customisable, and there are no pre-set configurations. With TigerDesigner, you have the freedom to tailor the look of each page to your preferences.

Create your document from scratch and have full creative control using a variety of Panel Types, such as Text, Image and Shape. While a Fully Editable design allows for greater creative freedom, it may require more time, as you will need to manually configure all panel settings, such size, position, and colour.

How to create a new Fully Editable document

Create Document

  • Select ‘Create Document’ from the main menu, followed by ‘TigerDesigner’.

Design Options

The next page will automatically default to the 'Layout Library' tab, however to create a fully customisable design, select the 'Fully Editable' tab. Two options are available:

  1. Blank Design
    Design a document using blank pages tailored to your preferred page size.
  2. Templates
    Create a new document from a template. Templates are a great starting point and can provide inspiration for your document!

You can still add, edit, or remove pages from your document when using a template.


Create Destination Version

Once you have made your selection, the 'Create Destination Version' page will appear, allowing you to choose the location that your document will be saved in. Two options are available:

1. Express
A great option if you want to create your document more quickly and are happy to access it using a unique URL made up of random characters.

  • Select a 'Folder'.

  • Enter a 'Document Name'.

  • Select a 'Style'.

  • Select the ‘Create Version’ button.

A new version of the document will then be created ready for you to start working on!

2. Full Control
This option gives you the ability to choose the URL of your document.

  • Select an existing 'Folder' or create a new one.

  • Select an existing 'Document' or create a new one.

  • Enter a 'Version Name'.

  • Select the 'Create Version' button.

A new version of the document will then be created ready for you to start working on!

The URL of a document can be changed at a later date if required - read more here.