Renaming a document

A Document Link can be found at the top of the Manage Document page for a document, and opens the most recently created and published version within it.

Understanding Document Names & URLs

All documents have a a Name and a URL, and both are equally important.

  1. Name

    The name/title of your document.

💡 Use a short, concise name to make it easier to find a document in your account.

  1. URL

    The URL/Link used to view a document.

💡 The URL of a document must be unique - if you try to use a URL already in use, an error will be returned.

A document can only be renamed if all of its versions are currently unpublished.

How to rename a document

Navigate to the Document Management page and select the 'Details' tab.

  1. Enter a new name into the 'Name' field to update the name of the document.

  2. Select the 'Edit' button to change the URL of the document.


Once saved the new name and/or URL will take immediate effect.

Remember to distribute the new link, as the old link will no longer work.