How to create a Notification

Get notified in real-time when a visitor interacts with your content - it's the perfect way to respond quickly and decisively to visitor interaction! The first step to using Notifications is to create one - once done it can be added to a Version, Page or piece of Interactivity. And when a visitor interacts with it, a real-time Notification will be fired off to an email address of your choice, keeping you in the know!



HR have sent out a job offer and would like to know when it has been accepted. The job offer pack contains an Assessment asking the visitor to tick to accept, so they have set up and added a Notification to it. Once accepted, an email will be sent to letting them know the good news. Simple!

How to create a new Notification

  • Select ‘Documents’ from the main menu.

  • Select ‘Settings’ followed by ‘Notifications’.

  • Select the ‘Add’ button.


The Details section will then display ready to be completed.


Enter a name for the Notification.

💡 Make sure the name is clear and logical, so you know what you’re looking for when you come to adding the Notification. For example - 'Job Offer accepted'.

Output Format

Select the format that you would like your email Notification to be displayed in:

  • Text (Displays in plain text).

  • JSON or XML (Use if you wish to integrate with a computer system).

  • HTML (Recommended as it will display the email in rich text).

Email Address

Enter the email address that you would like the Notification to be sent to. This may be your own email address or someone else, for example a manager or generic email address for an HR team.

Email Subject

Enter a subject for the Notification. It’s important that this is clear and concise so the recipient know what the email is referring to.

💡 As with the Name, it's important that the Email Subject is clear, so you know what it is referring to when the email is received. For example - 'Job Offer has been accepted'.


When this box is ticked the Notification is enabled. Un-ticking this box will prevent any further Notifications being sent.


Select this option to hide the Notification, preventing it from being used in a further version. If the Notification is already in use somewhere, it will be unaffected.

Select the 'Save' button to save your Notification .


💡 See where a Notification is being used by selecting the 'Used By' tab.