Domain Names

Custom Domain Names (also known as a Domain) are a great way to make your Documents stand out from the crowd, and ensure your organisations name is always shown in the Document URL.



What is a Domain Name?

A Domain is a specific web address that people type in to visit a website, for example All Documents created in PageTiger are effectively websites because they are viewed online using a Domain.

Domain Examples

By default, all Documents created in PageTiger play on, using the syntax:


However, it is possible to specify a Domain that your Documents can play on, which will change the syntax to the following


When you sign up to PageTiger our Support team will set up a Domain ready for to be used on any Documents you create in your account. The Domain uses a valid SSL certificate to ensure the safety and security of your Documents.

How to apply a Domain to a document

  • Navigate to a Document.

  • Select the ‘Domain Name’ tab.

  • Choose the Domain from the drop-down list.

  • Select ‘Save’.

The Document Link will update to use the Domain. Simple!

💡 Domain Names are applied at Document level, which means they will apply to all Versions created within it.