Before you can award something, you need to create something to be awarded!
Create a certificate that visitors receive when they pass a quiz, or design a free drink voucher for attendees of a conference.
You should already be familiar with creating a document; the only thing slightly different here is that you may wish to add placeholders.
💡 Create a new folder called 'Certification' to help organise your Documents and make them easier to find.
To begin, create a new design
Remember, this doesn’t have to be or even look like a certificate. You may want to create a drinks voucher, name tag or car park pass.

Personalise by adding placeholders
Click on a Text or Story panel.
Click Edit Content’.
The content editor for the panel will open.
Position your cursor where you would like to add your placeholder and select the ‘Placeholder’ icon [{P}].

Placeholder options
Two options for adding a placeholder are available.
Select Existing
If you have already added a placeholder it will appear here, or you can select a pre-configured placeholder that is information already held by the platform, for example, PT Issue Date or PT Reader Email.
Add New
If you would like to add a placeholder it can be entered here. Simply type in the placeholder name, for example ‘Full Name’ and select ‘OK'.

Next steps
Once you're happy with your certification Document it can be added to a Badge.
Read more about how to add a Certificate to a Badge.