Reader Login

Reader Login is a more advanced security rule that authenticates the email address of the visitor (reader). Additionally, you can specify which email addresses or domains (e.g., are permitted or restricted to view a document.


  • Enhance security by verifying user credentials.
  • Reduce the risk of unauthorised access.
  • Ensure only the intended audience has document access.
  • Confidently track engagement and gather viewer insights.

This type of security rule works by the visitor creating a 'reader login account'. The process is simple and efficient, and requires them to enter their email address and a password of their choice.

How to create a 'Reader Login' Security Rule

  • Select ‘Documents’ from the main menu.

  • Select ‘Settings’ followed by ‘Security Rules’.

  • Select the ‘Add’ button.

  • Start by entering a name for the Security Rules in the 'Details'.

Make sure the name is clear and identifiable so you know which Security Rule you're looking for when you add it to a Document.

For example - 'Reader Login (*'.

  • Select the 'Reader Login' tab.

  • Select the 'Reader Login Required' checkbox.

  • Two options are available for 'Interface Style', which will determine the user interface and authentication flow.
Modern (recommended)
A fresh, new-look login page! If you are registering for the first time, you will receive a verification code via email in order to create a password.

Our classic login page. If you are registering for the first time, you will receive a unique URL via email to create your password.

Learn more about interface styles.

Additional settings

Restrict by email address

Grant document access to specific email addresses or domains (1). To use this option, simply enter the email address(es) directly. If you are specifying a domain, make sure to prefix it with an asterisk, such as *

Deny by email address

This option allows you to deny document access for specific email addresses or domains (2). Similar to the 'Restrict by email address' option, it works by entering the email address(es) you wish to block. Make sure to prefix domains with an asterisk, such as *


Show the document cover (3) and include help text (4) to enhance the visitor experience and provide clear guidance.

Interface Styles: Modern vs Classic

Our 'Modern' interface features a sleek, user-friendly login page designed for improved performance and a seamless user experience.
Watch the short video below to see it in action.

The Classic interface has more limited user experience compared to our Modern interface, but is still available if you wish to use it.


If you already have a reader login security rule set up, it's simple to update it to use our Modern interface. Simple edit the rule, select 'Modern' and save!
