How to optimise your content for analytics

Here are our top tips for making it easier to report on the data of your documents, versions and interactivity!

Organise your documents

Make sure your document is added to a relevant 'Folder' and assigned to a suitable 'Tag(s)', which will make them easier to navigate to.

Name your document clearly

This will make it a lot quicker to find if you're searching by keyword from your homepage.

Name your version clearly

As with the above, a clear and concise name will make for a more efficient search result.

Rename each page in your version

Although potentially time-consuming depending on the number of pages you have, it's well worth the effort, as it will make it a lot clearer if you’re looking for something specific in the analytics.

💡 Consider renaming Page 1 as 'Cover', Page 2 as 'Contents' and so on.

Name the interactivity used in your version

Again, this could initially be time-consuming, but will make the analytics so much easier to interpret.

💡Edit the title of a piece of interactivity in the module Settings to something meaningful such as ‘Welcome Video’ or ‘Download Contract’.