Experience API (Tin Can or xAPI)

This advanced analytics feature allows you to connect to your Learning Records Store (LRS) using Experience API (commonly known as Tin Can or xAPI), enabling you to export the analytics of your PageTiger documents.

The purpose of a Learning Records Store (LRS) is to collect data from a range of learning experiences. It can exist on it's own or within a Learning Management Systems (LMS)

Note: if your LMS lacks an LRS, you will be unable to use this feature.

Configure Experience API

  • Select ‘Documents’ from the main menu.

  • Select ‘Settings’ followed by ‘Analytics’.

  • Select the 'Add' button.

  • Enter a name - for example 'Reporting - Newsletter'.

Choose a clear and descriptive name that will help you easily identify it when you want to associate it with a document.

  • Select the 'Experience API' tab.

  • Select the 'Enabled' checkbox.

Only three pieces of information are needed to configure Experience API.

If you are unsure of any of the details please contact your LRS administrator.

  • Enter the 'Endpoint URL' for your LRS service.

  • Enter the 'Username' for your LRS service.

  • Enter the 'Password' for your LRS service.

And that's it!

You have successfully established a connection to your Experience API, and can now apply the analytics rule to your PageTiger document.

Apply to a document

  • Navigate to a document.

  • Select the ‘Analytics’ tab.

  • Choose the analytics rule required from the drop-down list.

  • Select ‘Save’.

Your document must use a Reader Login or SSO security rule - this is to ensure the visitors identity is known and information about them and their visit can be passed through.

What happens next?

The reporting data for your PageTiger document will exported from PageTiger into your LRS.