Expected Visitor Lists

An Expected Visitor List is a great solution for keeping track and monitoring the email addresses that you would like to view your document. Simply upload a list of email addresses and ensure your document users a reader login or SSO security rule (so the readers identity if captured). The data captured will then compare the readers that have logged in against your list and display who has or hasn't visited.

How to create an Expected Visitor List

  • Select ‘Documents’ from the main menu.

  • Select ‘Settings’ followed by ‘Expected Visitors’.

  • Select the ‘Add’ button.

  • Start by entering a name for the Expected Visitor List in the 'Name' field.

💡 Make sure the name is clear and logical, so you know who is included in the EVL. For example - Sales Team or Finance Team.

  • Select the 'Save' button to see more options.

  • Paste the email addresses that you wish to add to the list into the 'Bulk Add' section, followed by 'Add'.

💡 Up to 100 email address can be added at a time, and must be separated by a space, comma, semicolon or new line.

  • Select the ‘Save’ button to create and save the list.

💡 It's also possible to upload a list of email addresses using Import > Choose File.

How to monitor an Expected Visitor List

When you create an expected visitor list it will be automatically applied across all documents in your account, making it easy for you to view the data.

  • Navigate to a document.

  • Select ‘Manage Version’ for the version you would like to view the analytics for.

  • Select ‘Analytics’ from the list of options available.

The Version Dashboard will then display and you can view any Expected Visitor Lists in the panel found to the left hand side.


A 'visits' percentage for each expected visitor list will display and can be selected for a breakdown of data. Once selected you will be presented with a pie chart of data and two tables containing the email address of the people that have 'visited' and 'not visited'.

Both lists can be downloaded for your reporting needs. Why not download the spreadsheet of the 'Not Visited' email addresses and use as a contact list to send an email reminder?