Version Dashboard

The Version Dashboard is one of the most important areas within PageTiger if you’re looking for detailed reporting for a particular version.

Any data available in this section can be download to either a CSV or XLSX file and used for your reporting needs.

How to navigate to the Version Dashboard

  • Select ‘Documents’ from the main menu followed by ‘Search’.

  • Select ‘Manage’ for the document.

  • Select ‘Manage Version’ for the version you would like to view the analytics for.

  • Select ‘Analytics’ from the list of options available.

Version Dashboard - breakdown Visits

Three panels on the 'Version Dashboard' relate to visits.

  • The line graph seen at the top of the page shows the number of visits by date.

  • The visits thumbnail in the centre shows the total number of visits.

  • The Page Visits graph displays the number of visits each page has had in your version.

💡 Page Visits are particularly useful if you wish to analyse the success of a version. For example, if page views begin to drop after page 10, it could be an indication that your readers are losing interest.


Three panels on the Version Dashboard relate to visitors. Data will only be shown here if your document is set to capture the identity of the visitor, for example by using a reader login or SSO security rule.

  • View the email addresses of the most recent visitors to your version.

  • View the email addresses for the readers that have visited your version the most.

  • If you have created any Expected Visitor lists, the percentage of views by the people on that list will display. For example, only 5% of the Marketing Team expected visitor list may have viewed the version.

💡 Use the filter at the top right of the page to narrow down the results. This can be particularly useful if you’re looking for data for a specific user or published visits only which will eliminate any of your testing data.

Page/Module table

This section of the Version Dashboard is a fantastic way to drill deeper into the analytics as it’s possible to see the number of views each page has had as well as the data for any interactive elements it may contain.

Select the small black arrow next to a page number to view a list of interactivity added to it.


The number in the Views column is the number of times the page or interactive element has be viewed (regardless of if it was the same reader several times).

Click on the number in the ‘Views’ column for a breakdown of data, including reader email address (if captured) and their visit date and time.