Renaming a version

A Version Link appears next to a version that has been created within a document and should be used if you want to navigate to it specifically - for example, the 'January' version of a monthly newsletter document.

Understanding Version Names & URLs

All versions have a a Version Name and a URL.

  1. Version Name

    The name/title of your version stored within a document.

💡 Use a short, concise name to make it easier to find a version in your account.

  1. Version URL

    The URL/Link used to view a specific version stored within a document.

A version URL will always include the document URL - for example, 'cicynv' is the document URL for this version link >

A version can only be renamed if it is unpublished.

How to rename a version

  • Navigate to the Document Management page.

  • Select ‘Manage Version’ for the version you would like to rename.

  • Select ‘Version Settings’.


  • Enter a new name into the 'Version' field to update the name of the version.

  • Select the 'Edit' button to change the URL of the version.


Once saved the new name and/or URL will take immediate effect.

Remember to distribute the new link, as the old link will no longer work.