Fully Editable: Adding Pages

You're ready to get hands on once you have created a Fully Editable document - and remember you have full control to create something really impressive! In this section you will learn how to add and manage the pages in your Fully Editable document using the Document Builder.

What is the Document Builder?

The Document Builder provides an easy and efficient way to add and manage (delete, duplicate, split and so on) the pages in your Document.

  • Select the 'Pages' palette found to the top right of the page.

  • Select ‘Add New Page'.

The Document Builder will then open.

💡 The Document Builder can also be opened by selecting 'Add New Page' at the bottom left of the page.

How to add a page

  • Click and drag a page into the 'Document Preview' window to position side by side to create a double-page spread.

The choice to add a single page, double page or use a template page (if you created the document from a template) are available.


  • Repeat these steps as many times as needed.

  • Save your changes by selecting the ‘Save’ button.

How to delete a page

  • Hover over the page you wish to delete.

  • Select the delete icon.

  • Save your changes by selecting the ‘Save’ button.

When a page is deleted any associated interactivity will also be deleted and cannot be undone.

How to duplicate a page

  • Hover of the page you wish to duplicate.

  • Select the copy icon.

  • Save your changes by selecting the ‘Save’ button.

How to split a double-page spread

  • Hover over the double-page spread that you wish to split.

  • Select the split page icon.

  • Save your changes by selecting the ‘Save’ button.

A double-page spread cannot be split if there is a panel or interactive module positioned over the centre line.

How to re-order a page

  • Click and drag a page to change the position of it in your design.

  • Save your changes by selecting the ‘Save’ button.

💡 Any interactivity will move with the page if you re-order it.

How to rename a page

  • Hover over the page you wish to rename.

  • Click onto the page title.

  • Type in a page name.

  • Save your changes by selecting the ‘Save’ button.

💡 Naming a page is useful for analytics, as it makes it easier to find a particular page when reporting on the visitor interactions.