Videos: Play video file on page

Create more engaging and memorable content with an on-page video. A video can be a powerful asset to your content by not only grabbing your readers attention, but keeping it! Videos can make information easier to digest and retain, as well as making your document more interesting.

💡 Have you explored our Video Generator? It's an exciting tool that allows you to create a video from scratch using AI technology. Simply choose your presenter and give them a script. It's that easy! Find out more about the Video Generator.

Top Tips

  • Maximum file size - 500MB.

  • Supported file types - webm, mkv, flv, ogv, ogg, avi, mov, wmv, mp4, mpg, mpeg, mpv, m2v, 3gp.

  • A video file can be uploaded directly to the module - when using this option select the refresh icon to refresh the list of resources available.

  • A video file can also be uploaded to your Resources Manager - this is useful if you wish to upload more than one resource.

  • A video file can be uploaded as a Version Resource or Document Resource.

  1. Version Resource - the resource will be available to use in the Version you are working on only.

  2. Document Resource - the resource will be available to use in all Versions in the Document.

How to add an On-Page Video

  • Navigate to a Document.

  • Select ‘Interactivity’ for the Version of the Document that you want to work on.

The Version will then open in Interactivity mode and the Interactivity palette can be found to the right of your page.

  • Select the ‘Media’ module type from the ‘Add Interactivity' palette.

  • Select the ‘Play video file on page’ option.

  • Click and drag out the area to add to your page - this is where the video will play on the page. The video size will be determined by the aspect ratio of the video file.

On-page videos are embedded, which means it is placed directly onto the page for visitors to view without having to click and view in a pop-up box.

  • Select the video file that you want to use from the 'Select a Video Resource' drop-down list, upload a new one or generate a video using the Video Generator.

💡 Created personalised, on-brand generated video content in moments with the Video Generator. Find out more.


The Settings palette will activate by clicking a module already added to your document. You can then apply settings, such as subtitles, video looping, and border colour.

1. Title 

The 'Title' field is set default, but it's important to update it to something unique that reflects the interactivity - for example, 'Bright Ideas Video'. Descriptive names make it easier to identify the interactivity in your document, which is particularly helpful if you're using lots of the same module type.

2. Controls Auto Play

Select the 'Auto Play' checkbox to automatically play the video on the page.

Start Muted

Select the 'Start Muted' checkbox to play the video without sound - the visitor has control to enable sound.

Most modern browsers now implement strict policies around auto-playing and muting in order to provide greater control of playback to viewers. Although each browser will have its own policy, they generally follow similar guidelines - please be mindful of this, as there may be times that your chosen settings are not respected.

Show Controls

The Control Bar is set to display by default and allows the visitor to control video playback, such as volume, seeking, and pause/resume.

If your video is set to auto play, the control bar will always display and cannot be hidden. This is to ensure the visitor can control the playback.


This option is turned off by default, however, selecting it will play the video in a continuous loop. Looping a video can encourage your visitors to watch the video for longer, as they don't have to manually replay it.

Prevent Scrubbing

Select the 'Prevent Scrubbing' checkbox to prevent visitors from skipping ahead in the video. This is a great option if you would like the whole video to be watched.

Prevent Download

Select this option to hide the download option from the video, preventing the visitor from downloading/saving a copy. It's a useful feature if you don't want your video to be accessed outside of your document.

Show Subtitles

This option is ticked by default and ensures any subtitles added to your video are set to display.

Subtitles are essential for creating inclusive content - it provides content to people who are Deaf and hard-of-hearing, as well as helping viewers who process written information better than audio. Subtitles can also be helpful for people consuming videos in a noisy environments. Find out how to add Subtitles for video uploads or videos created using the Video Generator.

3. Style Settings Border Colour

A border adds a keyline around your on-page video, and can be used as a way to draw attention to your content. Use this field to specify the colour of the border.

Border Size

Use the 'Border Size' field to specify the width of the border around the video. Enter a numerical value to set the border width - the higher the value, the thicker the border.

4. Clickable Area Settings Position X & Y

Adjust the position of where the video sits on the page. 'X' sets the position of the left edge and 'Y' sets the top edge.

Width & Height

Adjust the width and height of the area that the video will play in. The size is measured in pts.

Keep in mind that the video may not fill the entire space - this is because it will be sized proportionally to the ratio it was created in ensuring it is not distorted.