Layout Library: Export to PDF

You can save the design of a Layout Library document as a PDF file, providing it is unpublished - this is because the option is selected from within TigerDesigner.

  • Open the document in TigerDesigner.

  • Select the blue arrow from the left-hand menu.

  • Select 'Export to PDF'.

Export Options

You have the flexibility to choose from two available options when exporting to PDF, allowing you to select the settings that best meet your needs.

Double Page Spreads

  • Retain Spreads
    The PDF will retain any double-page spreads.

  • Split Spreads
    The PDF will use single-pages only. 


  • High Resolution
    The PDF will be higher quality and clarity, but have a larger file size.

  • Low Resolution
    The PDF will be lower quality, but likely a smaller file size.

The PDF file will contain the design of your document and does not include interactivity. Please note that any interactive elements require an internet connection to function.