The Image Link option enables you to generate a clickable image, which can be added to your website. It’s a simple line of code that can be entered into the source code of your website and can help draw your readers attention to your document and make it more likely to be selected.
How to generate an Image Link
Navigate to a document.
Select ‘Manage Version’ followed by ‘Distribute’ for the version you wish to create a image link for.
Select ‘Image Link’ from the available options.
A line of html code will be automatically generated that can be added to your website.
Settings Image Size
Enter the size (in pixels) that you would like the image to be.
Tool Tip
Specify the text that will display if you hover over the image.
Document Options
Specify whether the image link will open the version in a new window or the current window.
Most Recent Version
Tick if you would like the image link to open the most recent version in the document.
Tracking Token
Affix a tracking token, such as an email address, to enrich reports.

When you are happy with your Image Link select the ‘Refresh Preview’ button to generate an up-to-date image which will demonstrate how it will look on your website. You can then copy the HTML code and add it to your website
It’s possible to email the HTML code to an email address of your choice if someone else which can be useful if someone else is actioning the change.